To the Mommyless Moms on Mother’s Day

For 19 years, I was lucky enough to have the most amazing mom ever to have lived on this earth. I That’s her in the photo, wasn’t she ridiculously beautiful? I always loved the colors in the background, the silver lining around the Pacific waves that somehow emphasize the honey highlights in her hair. See,…

New book release! Forever in Your Heart

About Forever In Your Heart Grief is a human experience that connects us all. It’s unfortunate and heartbreaking, but it is one of life’s inevitables. Which means at some point, we will all feel it and we’ll feel for others who are going through it. After losing my mother at the age of 19, I…

Forever In Your Heart released for pre-order!

A children’s book on grief ABOUT THE BOOK Forever In Your Heart is a story of love and comfort after loss. Written for both children and adults who have lost a loved one, it reminds us that despite our grief, our loved one will remain with us forever through the love they’ve left in our…

Bringing Forever In Your Heart to life through art

We’ve reached a huge milestone in the creation of Forever In Your Heart today – the illustrations are complete! I say ‘complete’ specifically because I once had a grade school teacher that sternly corrected the class one day that “Never say you are done with something. Done is what you say about your Thanksgiving turkey….

What’s your book about?

I hope it helps the little ones in your life make sense of the heavy burden of grief. I hope it helps them understand that those who we have lost are always with us, forever in our hearts

The Carousel

Tonight I was reminded that our lives are filled with exciting ups and difficult downs. Some people will sot by your side through it all, some will steal your favorite seat. But despite it all, as much as we may want to freeze time or roll it backward, life just keeps moving us forward. Hope…

To the moonlight writers

“Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.“ -Allen Ginsberg(aka, my favorite) #wellnesswednesday


“to extend or expand beyond a safe or reasonable point” Tuesday morning, 5:30 am. Mommy…mommy…you can hear the whispers. As you pry your groggy eyes open(ish) through the ridiculously early morning darkness, you make out what appears to be your 3-year-old pleading for some grapes…peeeeeeez. You stumble your way to the kitchen, tripping over a scattering of Tonka trucks…

Spilling beans. Letting cats out of bags.

I’ve been sitting on a little not-so-well-kept secret for the past couple of months. Figured it’d be fun to kick off the new year by sharing a little news. With the help of the incredibly kind people at Orange Hat Publishing, I’m thrilled to announce I’ll be publishing my first children’s book, “Forever In Your…

What Is It About Those Golden Girls?

Maybe it’s your mom, sister, brother, roommate or that weirdo coworker with the Betty White calendar (complete with centerfold collage) in her office…ok maybe that’s just weirdo me. Whoever it may be, chances are you know at least one, true, diehard, love-everything-about-them, Golden Girls fanatic. Every Golden Girls fan has their nostalgic reasons behind their love….